A warm welcome to Perlon® – The Filament Company. We are an innovative, global group of companies specialized in the manufacture of synthetic filaments in diverse areas of application.
Our factories in Germany, Poland, China, India and USA produce filaments for applications in the paper machine industry (PMC), the brush industry and for technical textiles as well as filaments for cosmetic and dental applications.
Perlon® looks back with pride at a long tradition in filament manufacture and also formulates from this its claim to be the innovation leader in this highly specialized technological area.
The comprehensive product portfolio is based on a variety of raw materials. In line with the intended application, these are modified and processed into high quality, application-specific filaments. The consistent high quality of our products sets worldwide benchmarks.
We are the biggest global filament producer with global production and global product availability. We produce high quality products in a wide product portfolio with focus on innovation as well as sustainability and recycling products. We serve our customers with focal point on fast, clear and honest communication.
Perlon® has a competent international team of experts in different areas with strengths in product innovations, product development and problem solving. We are a reliable, flexible and customer-focused partner with a strong market and product knowledge.
There are not many names which – like Perlon® – are so closely connected with the history of German industry and have acquired such positive prominence. Since 2016 the name has stood for the joint company group of PerlonNextrusion and Hahl-Pedex – the globally positioned Perlon® Group. Almost 100 years of experience in filament manufacturing flows through the company. The enormous technical expertise is strongly shaped by the core competences of the individual locations.
The four centres in Bobingen, Dormagen, Munderkingen and Wald-Michelbach have bundled together their know-how and thus created a unique overall portfolio with the areas PMC & ATT monofilaments, brush & abrasive filaments as well as dental & personal care filaments. A powerful company has developed from this which is in the position to supply customers worldwide with innovative high-tech filaments for virtually any end application: Perlon GmbH – The Filament Company.
Center of excellence for Paper Machine Clothing (PMC) and Advanced Technical Textiles (ATT)
Main Expertise in Polyamide Monofilaments
Main Expertise in Abrasive and Synthetic Brush Filaments
Center of excellence for Dental & Personal Care and 3D printing filaments
Local supplier for USA & Canada
Local supplier for the Chinese PMC market
Perlon® is a part of Serafin Group, whose philosophy is based on more than 150 years of entrepreneurial tradition of its shareholding family. Serafin invests into companies with the aim to foster their long term development in accordance with all stakeholders.
Managing Director / Co-CEO
Managing Director / Co-CEO
Managing Director / CFO
Chief Sales Officer / CSO
Chief Technical Officer / CTO
Vice President Business Segment PMC
Customer satisfaction is paramount at the Perlon® Group. We are fully committed to constantly improving the quality of our products. We observe strict compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard for quality management systems. All members of staff are actively involved in the continuous improvement process.
Our management system is subject to regular internal and external audits, and ensuing recommendations are implemented. Our business objectives are guided by our high quality standards. In this way, we achieve optimum control of the indicator-based processes and establish a highly efficient management system. The result is top quality – Made in all Perlon® facilities.
Environmental protection, occupational safety and energy efficiency stand alongside quality, productivity and cost-consciousness as the main pillars of our corporate philosophy. We are continuously mindful of our duty to adhere to the standards for environmental and energy management systems and therefore follow the guidelines of ISO 14001 and are ISO 50001 compliant. Our robust policy on environmental protection and occupational safety is important for the long-term success of the company and for the retention of customer trust.
One of our key objectives in environmental protection is to reduce our ecological footprint. As a matter of course, we comply with environmental legislation, and in our research and development work, we place great emphasis on the sparing use of raw materials and energy resources.
By continuously optimizing our processes and carefully selecting the materials used in product development, we are contributing to a reduction in energy consumption, emissions, sewage and waste.
Enhanced occupational safety also contributes to a reduced environmental impact while improving product safety. The active participation of all employees in our occupational safety processes is explicitly encouraged. In this way, we ensure optimum efficiency and functionality as well as the minimisation of accidents and errors in the workplace.
Perlon®: Safely successful!
ABMA – American Brush Manufacturers Association
FEIBP – European Brushware Federation
Verband der Deutschen Pinsel- und Bürstenhersteller e.V.
Cooperation partner KIng – Cooperative engineering degree – Bachelor and Master
The Perlon® Group is committed to making a positive contribution to society and the environment besides its economic success. In accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), we continuously improve our business practices to ensure compliance with human rights and environmental standards in our own business and throughout the supply chain. Our human rights strategy reflects our commitment to ethical conduct as well as transparency and includes the proactive identification and minimization of risks. In order to fulfill our obligations under the LkSG and to put our values into practice, we have taken comprehensive measures to give external stakeholders the opportunity to participate.
Introduction of an online tool for the complaints procedure according to the LkSG. In line with our commitment to continuous improvement and acting responsibly, we have set up an online tool for a complaints procedure. This tool provides a secure and confidential platform where all Perlon® Group stakeholders can report potential violations of human rights and environmental standards. Incoming complaints are processed by a trained case handler and are monitored by the Serafin Group’s Human Rights Responsible. We encourage anyone who has concerns or observes irregularities to report them via our whistleblower tool. Your voice is critical to maintaining our corporate integrity and putting our values into action.
You can submit a corresponding report via the following link: